Advanced course

Python – Advanced

160 hours

Python is a clear and quick to learn, but very versatile and powerful programming language. Code written in Python is extremely clear even for a beginner. In addition, Python is extremely concise and flexible, making it easy to learn and fun to use. But behind clarity and simplicity lies versatility and wide application. Python can be applied almost anywhere: from web pages, apps, games, software development to data science and artificial intelligence.

  • 2860€
    The average salary of a Python programmer in Lithuania
  • 97%
    Python programmers in Lithuania are satisfied with their work
  • 83%
    Students successfully complete a Python course

Employment opportunities


11 - 12 months
  • 1 theme
  • 2 theme
  • 3 theme
  • 4 theme
  • 5 theme
  • 6 theme
  • 7 theme
  • 8 theme


  • Graphical interfaces (GUI)  Tricks with lists
  • Loging
  • Creating projects with many files
  • Importing modules
  • Virtual Environment (VENV) Executable (exe) filesUNIT test cration
  • RegEx
  • RegEx Pythone
  • Get/Set methods Consultation: tasks “Tank”
  • Requests JSON
  • API appliance
  • Web scraping
  • Consultation: tasks “Temperature“ Dekorators
  • Flask framework (intro) E-mail sending mail
  • Iterators
  • Generators
  • Consultation: tasks “Arbitration“
  • Work with pictures
  • Numpy Pandas I
  • Consultation: tasks “Budget“
  • GIT
  • Repetition of previpis topics, cnfirmation
  • Questions/answers
  • Panda II & Panda III
  • Vizualiation: Matplotlib Vizualiation: Seaborn
  • Consultation: tasks “Budget“ (continuation)
  • Machine Learning: linear regression model
  • Machine Learning: klasifikators Machine Learning: models in practice
  • Constant, enum
  • PEP8 Standart requirments
  • Consultation: tasks “Loans“

Data bases

  • Databases 1: Queries Databases 2: Complex Queries
  • Databases 3: Relational Queries Databases 4: Design
  • TEST: Python Level II (30 questions) Databases 5 Python (sqlite3)

Frameworks: Flask

  • Flask 1: first site Flask 2: dynamic routes Flask 2: forms Flask
  • 3: Creating a DB Flask 3: Crud operations Flask 3: Migration Consult: “Budget” with Flask and DB Flask 4: Many2one connection Flask 5: One2many connection Flask 5: Many2many connection Flask 6: API development
  • Consultation: tasks “Examination program“
  • Flask 7: Creating users Flask 8: Uploading a photo Flask 8:
  • Admin page Flask 8: paginating records Flask 9: updating password Flask 9: creating error pages
  • TEST: DB, Flask (30 questions) Flask 10: organization of the project structure
  • Consultation

Front-end basics

  • HTML / CSS / JavaScript

Frameworks: Django

  • Django 1: Intro
  • Django 1: models
  • Django 1: program Car service“
  • Django 2: administratrating page
  • Django 3: template
  • Django 4: views
  • Consultation: Django, „Car service“
  • Django 5: pagination, search Django 5: pictures
  • Django 6: sessions
  • Django 6: Authorization
  • Django 7: authorized content Django 7: HTML fields in models
  • Tutorial: The Blog Part I (Django)
  • Django 8: Registration and other forms
  • Django 9: User Profile Page Django 9: Pinning Photos
  • Django 10: Translations Django 10: Language Selection
  • Django 11: Create, Update, Delete view classes
  • The beginning of the development of the final program
  • Consultation: “Blog,” Part II (Django)

OS: Linux

  • OS 1: Log in, creation of new user
  • OS 1: file hierarchy, navigation OS 1: scanning files
  • OS 2: working with directories and files
  • OS 2: archives, searching
  • OS 2: text editing
  • OS 3: Users
  • OS 3: Groups
  • OS 3: Permission
  • Test: Django (30 questions) Consultation: Django, OS
  • OS 4:  filtrering, comand history
  • OS 4: package installation
  • OS 4: Systems tool (with Apache 2) OS 5: Flask installation on the server
  • OS 6: Django installation on the server OS 7: h ps setting
  • OS 7: Data protection

Program development

5 consultations on the development of individual projects.


  • TEST: Final (30 question) Consulation
  • Final program presentation, assessment


Our team of lecturers is a mixture of different IT specialists. Some, like superheroes 🦸, take Top positions in their companies during the day and respond to student calls in the evenings, while others work as freelancers, juggling between clients and students on a daily basis. But they are all 100% ready with the knowledge and experience to help you!🧑‍🎓


Jonas Leeb

Co-Founder @

Moritz Duchene

Full Stack Engineer @

Course calendar


4 March - 14 October


19:00 - 22:00 EET


160 hours


Price from € 3600 or from € 50  / month. by instalments.


Payment options

We offer so many different payout options and benefits that we have created a fee calculator for you to calculate your abilities yourself - just like in a bank. 💸

CodeAcademy Financing

  • Pay by installments – 50 €/month

100% UZT funding

  • Funding from the Employment Service allows retraining for those working and acquiring new competencies for those not working! 🚀
  • Extracurricular scholarships can be awarded to studying students.

Pay when you get employed!

  • Monthly fee – 10% of Net income, with the possibility of a payment holiday of up to 5 months.

Frequently asked questions

Yes! We invite you to contact us by email  

For open job positions, you can inquire by email We will be happy to direct you to companies that are looking for specialists. *After receiving an offer, we cannot 100% guarantee that the company will hire you, as it very much depends on how you will represent yourself during the job interview.   

Contact us!

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