Advanced course

Frontend – Advanced

480 hours

The front-end programmer uses HTML, CSS, and TypeScript to create a user-friendly interface. Therefore, his work is not only technical but also creative and, of course, closely related to web design. Thanks to front-end programming, everything a user can see on a page is the structure of the site, visual and dynamic solutions. A front-end programmer is a real necessity for anyone who wants to tell about their business or other activities and make connections using an attractive and dynamic website.

  • 3190€
    The average salary of a front-end programmer in Lithuania
  • 96%
    Front-end programmers in Lithuania are satisfied with their work
  • 87%
    Students successfully complete the Front-end course

Employment opportunities


11 - 12 months
  • 1 theme
  • 2 theme
  • 3 theme
  • 4 theme
  • 5 theme
  • 6 theme

Front-end programming using HTML / CSS / Bootstrap.

HTML basics: Tags, attributes, basic elements. Lists and tables. Pictures and videos.

Page structure: Page structure elements – header, footer, div.

HTML forms: Forms and their elements

CSS Basics: What is CSS, style usage and basic examples, syntax.

CSS texts, fonts, colors: Working with text formatting and its elements.

Frames, positions: Element positioning, margin/padding, frames, float.

Responsive design basics: What are responsive design, media queries and mobile versions.

Twitter Bootstrap framework: What is Twitter Bootstrap, its classes and elements, examples of templates based on it.

JavaScript programming language

  • JavaScript syntax, style rules
  • Variables, data types, operators, conditional statements, functions, cycles
  • DOM manipulation, interactivity
  • Debugging, error handling
  • Object-oriented programming with JavaScript
  • Inheritance and prototyping
  • Server access (JavaScript XML and AJAX, JSONP)
  • Asynchronous programming (promises, callbacks, listeners)
  • JavaScript APIs (canvas, geolocation, web workers, web sockets)
  • JavaScript module systems (Common JS, AMD, ES2015)
  • JavaScript application testing
  • Automation (Gulp, WebPack)

Node.Js framework

Parse: node.js environment recording; mongodb recording; recording; acquaintance with Parse sdk; mini project

Node.js server: integration of node.js with express.js; application of routing method; GET, POST, DELETE methods; storing and assigning a session to a user.

Node.js server as REST full api: User register / login; password hashing; JWT token creation; middleware functions integration; mongoose module; picture resizing.

React framework

React framework usage and useful features.

Databases and their administration

  • DBMS concepts and application possibilities (relational databases, SQL language, SQL statement types)
  • Adjust the database using the insert, select, update, and delete commands

Programming environment and development process management and version control

Team work planning systems

The main stages of software development. System functionality and its application possibilities. The main elements of the system environment.

Tracking the execution of programming work

Elements of the project structure (project, works, links). Tasks and their elements (creation of works, planning, volume indication, recording of used and remaining time). Assigning work to individual users, creation of comments, review of other created comments and code changes. Work completion management Search of work planning system

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Our team of lecturers is a mixture of different IT specialists. Some, like superheroes 🦸, take Top positions in their companies during the day and respond to student calls in the evenings, while others work as freelancers, juggling between clients and students on a daily basis. But they are all 100% ready with the knowledge and experience to help you!🧑‍🎓

Marcel Frank

Team Lead – Developer @Decadis AG

Course calendar


26 February - 26 September


19:00 - 22:00 EET


480 hours


Price from € 3600 or from € 50 / month. by instalments. 


Payment options

We offer so many different payout options and benefits that we have created a fee calculator for you to calculate your abilities yourself - just like in a bank. 💸

CodeAcademy Financing

  • Pay by installments – 50 €/month

100% UZT funding

  • Funding from the Employment Service allows retraining for those working and acquiring new competencies for those not working! 🚀
  • Extracurricular scholarships can be awarded to studying students.

Pay when you get employed!

  • Monthly fee – 10% of Net income, with the possibility of a payment holiday of up to 5 months.

Frequently asked questions

Yes! We invite you to contact us by email  

For open job positions, you can inquire by email We will be happy to direct you to companies that are looking for specialists. *After receiving an offer, we cannot 100% guarantee that the company will hire you, as it very much depends on how you will represent yourself during the job interview.   

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