Swift – iOS pradedančių studijos

480 kontaktinių valandų

iOS – viena iš dviejų populiariausių mobiliųjų platformų pasaulyje. iOS programuotojai kuria programėles įrenginiams, palaikantiems iOS – „Apple“ operacinę sistemą. Šie įrenginiai sparčiai tobulėja ir užima vis didesnę rinkos dalį, todėl vartotojui patogių ir patrauklių iOS operacinės sistemos programėlių poreikis nuolatos auga. iOS platformos subtilybes išmanantis programuotojas gali darbuotis įmonėje arba kurti programėles savarankiškai. Modernios iOS platformos išmanymas ne tik suteikia specifinių žinių, bet ir sutvirtina bendruosius programavimo įgūdžius.

  • 5890€
    Vidutinis iOS programuotojo atlyginimas Lietuvoje
  • 94%
    iOS programuotojų Lietuvoje yra patenkinti savo darbu
  • 87%
    Studentų sėkmingai pabaigia iOS kursą

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Introduction 2 val.

General introduction to iOS, history, structure. Introduction to iOS development ecosystem, Xcode. Some core concepts like View Controllers, Interface Builder, MVC. Demo of building a simple app where all this is shown in practice.

Source control with Git 8 val.

Source code management is a core part of the development workflow. This section introduces Git and familiarises with the essential source code management workflow. It also shows the different ways to do SCM: Xcode integrated tools and alternatives — Sourcetree and command line. Students are also introduced to a collaborative environment such as GitHub, pull requests.

Swift 80 val.

In this part of the course we will learn how to use Pandas library to work with tabular data. We will learn how to create, write, read and index Pandas dataframes. We will also learn dataframe methods and how to use them for analysing and visualizing tabular data.Swift is the development language for iOS in this course so solid fundamentals are extremely important. This section works as introduction to Swift to those who programmed in different languages and as a refresher for those already familiar with Swift.

Unit testing with XCTest 4 val.

Testing remains one of the weaker areas of iOS dvelopment. Here the concept of unit testing and XCTest framework are introduced.

Documentation 10 val.

This section show some tips and tricks how to use help in XCode, what additional resources Apple and third parties provide. It also show how to add documentation to your own code with markup.

App lifecycle 10 val.

This section teaches about application lifecycle and events.

View Controllers 40 val.

This section introduces another central piece of the iOS—UIViewController. It teaches about its role, relationship with its view. It also digs a bit deeper into architecture of the app and tells about alternatives to Apple’s MVC.

Views 8 val.

UIView is a cornerstone of iOS UI. This section familiarises students with basic properties and gemotery of UIView and working with Interface Builder

Text in UI 8 val.

Hardly any application can avoid outputting text to the UI. This section introduces the main UIKit elements used for that purpose.

UIKit Controls 20 val.

This section introduces common standard UIKit controls available on iOS.

Drawing in UIView 20 val.

Here we dig deeper into UIView. Section also teaches how to work with images and intricacies of view layers.

Animation 20 val.

Animation is a very important part of UI and UX. It draws user’s attention, informs about what’s happening in the app, and makes the application more fun to use. This section introduces the basic concepts and most common ways to work with animations.

Touches 4 val.

Sometimes standard controls are just not enough. This section teaches how to handle touches when you need just a bit extra.

Autolayout 50 val.

Despite being introduced some six years ago Auto layout remains the topic many, even seasoned, iOS developers struggle with. On the other hand, with more and more new devices joining iOS family auto layout is the crucial part of making work with UI manageable. This section spends a lot of time making sure students get the core concepts right and are able to work with layouts either in Interface Builder or in code.

iPad considerations 8 val.

This section teaches how to deal with issues specific to bigger screens. It also teaches how to work with iPad multitasking and basics of drag and drop.

View Controllers Containment 12 val.

After learning how to work with a single ViewController students now learn how ViewControllers can be combined. Another very common and important classes as UINavigation controller and tab bar controllers are introduced. This section also teaches how to define app flow using storyboards.

Table and Collection View controllers 40 val.

Yet another concept you will meet in almost any iOS app—table and collection views. This section teaches the fundamentals of working with them and how to solve the most common problems every developer will come across.

Alerts and Action Sheets 2 val.

When the full-blown view controllers would be an overkill but you need some interaction.

Networking with URLSession 40 val.

Probably 100`% of business app do some communication over the network. This section teaches the fundamentals of HTTP protocol, some core concepts of REST APIs. After finishing it students will know how to make network requests and to deal with JSON data.

Threads and GCD 4 val.

Concurency is hard but cannot be avoided. This section teaches the most important concepts.

Web views 4 val.

Showing web content in the app is a very common task. In this section students will learn how to utilised WKWebView for this. It also introduces Safari View controller for the cases when you need an in-app browser.

Maps and Core Location 8 val.

Working with maps is another very common task for the iOS app. This section teaches the basics.

Calls, Email and SMS 2 val.

This short section familiarises students how to do a couple of common communication tasks.

Photo Library and Camera 4 val.

Another commonly used system framework.

Persistency 4 val.

This section shows a couple of common ways to save the application data on iOS.

Core Data 40 val.

When the simple persistency is not enough there is always the option to use Core Data. Despite not being used in every app it is still important enough to be introduced to students so they will know how to deal with it if needed.

Notifications 8 val.

Once very simple notifications got quite a bit of functionality with the latest releases of iOS. This section teaches how to manage local and remote notifications.

Localization 8 val.

In a globalised world it is rare that an app will serve monolingual audience. Here student learn how to properly deal with the application’s internationalisation and localisation. It also shows how to properly work with currency, numbers in dates across different locales and how to avoid reinventing the bicycle.

Dependency Managment 4 val.

As it often happens we are not the first to come across some problem. Someone else had it first and made a solution. This section introduces the two most common ways to deal with a third-party code.

Debugging 4 val.

Here students learn what to do when their code seems to misbehave. It teaches a bit more advanced usage of breakpoints and introduces to the power of LLDB. A section of it is also dedicated to the crashlogs—sometimes it’s the only piece of evidence when something goes wrong for a user.

Apple Connect 4 val.

Last but not least — the app is done, now what? This section shows and tells what’s involved in the preparation of the application to the app store and Apple Store Connect.

Atsisiųsti programą


Mūsų dėstytojų komanda – skirtingų IT specialistų mišinys. Vieni, kaip kokie superdidvyriai 🦸, dienomis
užima Top pozicijas savo įmonėse ir vakarais atsiliepia į studentų pagalbos šauksmus, kiti – dirba kaip freelancer’iai, kasdien žongliruodami tarp klientų bei studentų. Tačiau visi jie 100% pasiruošę žiniomis ir patirtimi padėti tau! 🧑‍🎓


Aurelija Čygaitė

iOS Developer @Vinted


Tadas Petrikas

iOS Engineer @1stdibs.com

Ignas Pileckas

Senior iOS Developer @Podimo


Arnas Šleivys

iOS Developer @Visma Lietuva

Programos kalendorius


gegužės 13 d. - gruodžio 19 d.


18:00 – 22:00


480 kontaktinių valandų


nuo 4050 € arba nuo 50€/mėn. išsimokėtinai.


Išsimokėjimo galimybės

Mes siūlome tiek skirtingų išsimokėjimo galimybių ir lengvatų, kad sukūrėme skaičiuoklę savo galimybes pasiskaičiuoti pačiam – visai kaip banke. 💸

CodeAcademy finansavimas

  • Nuo 50 €/mėn.

100% Užimtumo Tarnybos finansavimas

  • Užimtumo Tarnybos finansavimas leidžia persikvalifikuoti dirbantiems ir įgyti naujas kompetencijas nedirbantiems! 🚀
  • Besimokantiems studentams gali būti skiriamos UžT stipendijos. Daugiau informacijos čia.

Mokėk po sėkmingo įsidarbinimo!

  • Mėnesinis mokestis – 10% nuo Neto pajamų, su galimybe turėti mokėjimo atostogas iki 5 mėnesių.

Dažniausiai užduodami klausimai

iOS pažengusiųjų programa sukurta bendradarbiaujant su kibernetinio saugumo sprendimus kuriančia įmone Tesonet.

Laikui bėgant nuo intensyvesnio mokymosi klasėje pereinama į indvidualesnį mokymąsi su konsultacijomis, kai tiesioginių paskaitų mažėją, tačiau studentai kuria savo projektą, kurio užduotis pateikia Tesonet. 

Taip pat, Tesonet steigia stipendijas labiausiai motyvuotiems studentams. 

Trumpa online konsultacija

Nori sužinoti daugiau apie mūsų siūlomus kursus? Užsiregistruok 30 min. konsultacijai su mūsų programų specialistu, kurios metu galėsi užduoti tau rūpimus klausimus ir gauti profesionalius patarimus.

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      Šioje svetainėje naudojame įvairius slapukus. Paspausdami „Patvirtinti visus“, jūs sutinkate, kad būtų naudojami visi slapukai (įskaitant slapukus statistiniams, analitiniams, funkciniams ir rinkodaros tikslams). Jūsų pasirinkimus įsiminsime ateities apsilankymams. Daugiau informacijos privatumo politikoje.